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Terms & Conditions

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Terms of Use

The site is a free online service. Its use is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not intend to accept, you are invited not to use the blog and not to download any material from it.


This site and the blog does not represent a newspaper as it is updated without any periodicity. It cannot therefore be considered an editorial product according to national and European regulations.

1. General Rules and Definitions

By using the services connected to the site (hereinafter referred to as “the services” or “the service”), the reader is required to comply with the conditions and terms of use specified below. These conditions concern the licensee of the XXX company Ltd (Malta), owner of this Blog and manager of the contents of the site itself and the related services. XXX company Ltd reserves the right to modify, add or eliminate parts of these conditions, informing the interested parties through the publication of the changes on the site or via email. Each reader is required to periodically check these conditions to ensure any changes that have occurred since the last consultation of the site. In any case, the use of the site and its services entails acceptance of the changes that have occurred in the meantime. If the changes are not accepted, the reader may cancel his/her account at any time by writing to xxxemail@xxx company or by sending a registered letter with return receipt addressed to XXX company Ltd , it being understood that the continuation of the use of the services entails acceptance of the new conditions. XXX company Ltd reserves the right to modify, suspend, interrupt even only partially the services, including accessibility to the database or contents. XXX company Ltd may also introduce limitations of access or services, in whole or in part, without notice and without assuming responsibility for such limitation of service. For the sake of clarity, the meanings of the main definitions used in this document are specified below: XXX company Ltd is the owner of the domain and licensee of the XXX company Ltd is the publisher of the online blog By site we mean, which includes all the services and contents offered by the publisher. Reader is the visitor to the site and the user of the services provided by the site. Services are the following services available within the site:

  • registration
  • newsletter
  • blog
  • rss
  • upload multimedia content
  • support ticket

(individually the “service”) Content/contents are, by way of example, the texts, audio, video, audio and video materials, graphic elaborations, photographs or any other type of original or reproduced creation material, present on the site.

2. Contents and services of the website use by readers

The contents and services of the website are intended for personal and non-professional use. All materials published on the website (including, by way of example, information articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio and/or video recordings, hereinafter also referred to as the “contents”) are protected by copyright laws and are the property of the publisher or whoever legitimately holds the related rights. The reader is required to comply with any additional instructions that may be present on the website in relation to the intellectual property of the contents accessed through the services of the website. The services of the website and its contents are protected by the copyright laws in force in Italy and by international copyright laws. The reader is not authorised to modify, publish, transmit, share, assign for use in any capacity, reproduce (beyond the limits specified below), rework, distribute, perform, give access to or commercially exploit in any way the contents or services (including software) of this website even partially. The reader, for personal use only, is authorized to download or copy the contents and any other downloadable material available through the services of the site provided that all copyright indications and other indications reported on the site are faithfully reported. The reproduction and collection of any content for reasons other than personal use is expressly prohibited in the absence of prior express authorization issued in written form by the publisher or the owner of the copyright as indicated on the site.

The contents coming from press agencies or other sites are published by the publisher who does not assume responsibility for incompleteness, inaccuracies, errors, omissions with respect to the integrity of the information and is not liable for any consequent damages. The RSS service consisting of information contents that can be downloaded to the computer through “aggregator programs”, are made accessible only for personal use and any use for commercial purposes is excluded. Any other use, including but not limited to the insertion of advertising messages, the combination with products or extended sending for advertising purposes are prohibited in any form. The reader may not in any way modify or distribute to third parties the RSS services, and the links coming from the site The RSS service, and the related contents, are protected by Italian copyright laws and by the related international regulations. The publisher of the blog holds all the rights to exploit the trademarks used in connection with these services. The editor of the blog reserves the right to interrupt the rss service at any time and to stop the reader from using the downloaded material in any form, without limitations and without notice. The editor of the blog does not assume any responsibility in relation to the contents and the rss service and their use with respect to damage or limitations of use of websites, computers that have used such services and contents.

3. Access and availability of the service. Use of links

The site contains links to other resources on the Internet. The editor of the blog is not responsible for the actual accessibility and availability of such resources external to its site, nor for their contents. Therefore, the reader is invited to contact the administrator or webmaster of such external sites if he or she encounters problems with such contents.

4. Reader Disclaimers and Warranties

By accessing the site and its services, the reader undertakes to: – not use the site or the material contained therein to pursue illegal purposes or as a tool to disclose or disseminate in any way material or content intended for the commission of illegal activity. – not use the site in such a way as to interrupt, damage or make less efficient a part or all of it or in such a way as to damage in any way the effectiveness or functionality of the site; – not use the site for the transmission or placement of viruses or any other defamatory, offensive, obscene or threatening material or that in any way may create annoyance, disturbance or any prejudice; – not use the site in such a way as to constitute a violation of persons or companies (including, but not limited to, copyright or confidentiality rights). – not use the site to transmit material for advertising and/or promotional purposes without the written permission of the publisher.

The reader also guarantees that the contents are sent to the site through his/her account by adults. For minors, the materials must be screened and authorised by those exercising parental authority. XXX company Ltd is not responsible for the material used and/or the conduct of readers while browsing the site. It also assumes no responsibility for the transmission to the reader’s computer of any viruses and in any case harmful contents originating from third parties. Consequently, the reader will hold the blog editor and the site manager and all subjects related to them harmless from and against any liability and prejudicial consequence, including, without exception, legal costs defined on the basis of the professional fee sustained by the blog editor or the site manager as a result of legal actions arising from the violation by the reader of such obligations in relation to the abuse by him/her or by third parties of his/her account in violation of the guarantees provided for in this article. The reader is in any case required to provide all collaboration to the blog editor and the site manager to correctly protect his/her rights in relation to such legal actions. The blog editor and the site manager reserve the right to protect themselves independently by defending themselves in court, at their own expense, without prejudice to the right to compensation paid by the reader.

The editor of the blog and the manager of the site do not guarantee in any way the accuracy and reliability of the opinions, statements, indications or other information published, uploaded or distributed through the services of the site by any reader, information provider or any other natural or legal person. The reader acknowledges that any reliance placed on the truthfulness and reliability of the opinions, statements, indications or information published on the site is done at his own discretion, assuming the relative consequences. The service and all downloadable materials are provided in the state in which they are found without guarantees of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, including without limitation, the guarantees of ownership, merchantability and suitability for particular purposes. The reader therefore recognizes that the use of such materials is carried out under his own total and exclusive responsibility. The editor is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the failure to comply, by the user, with these terms and conditions, except in the case in which they were due to negligence or fault on the part of the editor of the blog. Except in cases of personal injury caused by negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct, the publisher will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected to the use and operation of the site, including without limitation, damages for loss of business, loss of profits, interruption of business, loss of business information, or any other type of pecuniary loss. The reader expressly acknowledges and accepts that:

1 – the site and any ancillary services are provided “as is” and “as available”. Any warranty by the owner of the site is expressly excluded. b. The owner of the site does not guarantee (i) that the site, any ancillary services will satisfy the needs of the reader, (ii) that the site and the services will be provided without interruptions, punctually, securely or free from errors, (iii) the reader’s expectation that the results obtained from the use of the site, the services are truthful and reliable (iv) that the quality of the products, services, information or other materials purchased or obtained through the site and/or the software can satisfy the needs of the readers, nor that (v) any errors in the published material are corrected. c. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained from or through the site obtained at the sole and exclusive discretion and risk of the readers who are solely and exclusively responsible for any damage to their computer or loss of data resulting from having downloaded such content or from having used the site, and the services.

2 – Registration and Security As part of the registration process, the reader is required to choose a user ID and password. The reader is also required to provide specific information that must be correct and up to date. The reader may not choose another person’s user ID with the intent to use that person’s identity. Furthermore, the reader may not use another person’s user ID without their express authorization. Furthermore, the use of user IDs that the publisher, at its discretion, deems to be infringing on the rights of third parties, or in any case offensive or scurrilous, is prohibited. The password chosen by readers when registering for the services and entered in the relevant registration module or form is personal and may not be transferred. Readers are required to safeguard the password with the utmost diligence and to keep it confidential in order to prevent unauthorized third parties from using the service. They will therefore be responsible for any use, made by authorized or unauthorized third parties, of the aforementioned identifiers as well as for any damage caused to the owner of the blog, the publisher and/or third parties, due to failure to comply with the above.

Failure to comply with these rules constitutes a violation of these general terms of use and may result in the immediate cancellation of the account of the person committing the violation. In the event of actual or potential unauthorized use of your account, the reader is invited to report it by writing to xxxemail@xxx company or by sending a registered letter with return receipt addressed to XXX company Ltd, providing all detailed information regarding the violation, and reporting the loss, unauthorized removal, theft, of your password and personal information. The reader is aware that he or she must be at least 18 years of age to register for the service, although people of all ages can access it. Minors under the age of 18 must be assisted and authorized by those exercising parental authority. The reader is fully responsible for any action taken through his or her account, whether directly or through third parties authorized by him or her. Any abusive, fraudulent or in any case illegal use is cause for the immediate cancellation of the account, at the sole discretion of the publisher or manager of the site, without prejudice to the exercise of any legal action by those entitled. XXX company Ltd, through this website is not intended to constitute any accounting, business, financing, investment, legal, tax, or other professional services. This website is not a substitute for such professional advice, nor should it be used as the basis for any decision or action that may affect your finances or business. While we strive to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no assurance that such information is correct for your business or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or business, you should consult with a qualified professional advisor. . XXX company Ltd shall not be liable for any losses whatsoever incurred by any person who relies solely on this website.

5. Service costs and payments

The services of the site are free unless otherwise and analytically specified. The publisher and the site manager reserve the right to provide a fee for access to portions of the site or to specific services or to the entire site. In any case, the publisher will not ask for the payment of any fee unless it has previously obtained an express acceptance of such offer. Therefore, if the publisher or the site manager were to ask in the future for a fee for access to portions of the site or services that are currently free, the reader will receive prior specific communication with the detailed indication of such costs, giving the reader the opportunity to choose whether to adhere to the service. In case of acceptance, the reader will pay this fee in the forms he/she chooses at the cost that will be defined at the time of acceptance of the service itself. The “On site” and “On line” Consulting services published on the website can be booked directly and are subject to payment.

1 – The applicant, at the time of booking, by filling in the appropriate field “additional information – notes on the order” can formulate a specific question and detail the subject of the requested consultation.

2 – Upon receipt of the request, the Management of XXX company Ltd will decide whether to confirm the booking or change the established date/time, after contacting the applicant.

3 – After confirmation, the applicant will receive an email with the final details of the reservation as well as the payment methods.

The Management of XXX company Ltd reserves the right to cancel any booking for which it has not received prior payment. After payment, and to the email address provided at the time of booking, the Management of XXX company Ltd will send the relevant invoice, using the data provided by the applicant. The costs incurred for the consultancy will be returned to the applicant, if the applicant decides to entrust our organisation with the services relating to their needs. The refund will be made by applying a discount of the same amount on the cost of the requested services. For this consultancy service, there are no cancellation formulas, but only and exclusively the possibility of changing the date and time of the booking. The consultancy service is provided by XXX company Ltd address,,,,,

6. Communications between the blog editor and the site manager and the reader

If the reader should indicate in the online registration form that he/she wishes to receive information from the blog editor, the site manager and the subjects related to them, with his/her consent, in compliance with the current legislation, the reader’s contact details may be used to send promotional material relating to these subjects. The editor and the site manager reserve the right in any case to send the reader communications via email to inform him/her of changes or additions concerning the site and the related services. The statistical data and those relating to the use of the site, after being made anonymous, may be used by the editor and the site manager for research and analysis activities. For any further details, the reader can view the information relating to the processing of personal data. The editor and the site manager may contact the reader by email to participate in surveys, requests for feedback on the website and on existing or future products and services. This information will not be shared with third parties, except in aggregate form, and will be used only for the improvement of the site and services.

7. Software Licenses

The reader does not acquire any rights in relation to the use of the software present on the site outside of the use necessary to enjoy the services themselves. The reader therefore cannot grant rights of use, assign or transfer licenses in relation to such software. The reader is exclusively authorized to make a copy of the software for personal use, without prejudice to the prohibition to distribute, modify, rework or make derivative works from such software.

8. Account Duration

The reader may cancel his account at any time by writing to yyyyemail@ company or by sending a registered letter with return receipt addressed to XXX company Ltd. The reader will receive a communication confirming receipt of the request and subsequent cancellation of the account. It is understood that the reader is responsible for all activities carried out with the account until the time of effective deactivation. The editor of the blog and the manager of the site may at their discretion cancel or temporarily suspend access to all or parts of the site and services for any reason, including, without limitation, any violation of the rules described in these conditions of access to the service.

9. Miscellaneous

These conditions of access have been formulated in light of the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Malta. The competent court for the application of these rules is the court of Malta. These conditions of access must be applied and interpreted in accordance with the general rules established on the site The reader, for any communication relating to these conditions of access, can contact XXX company Ltd, by calling +111—-, or by sending an email to xxxemail@xxx company.
The reader declares that he undertakes to report to the editor of the blog any violation relating to these conditions of access as soon as he becomes aware of them. In particular, in the event of legal actions relating to the violation of copyright in relation to materials published on the site or related services, the reader is invited to report any information in his possession by writing to yyyyemail@ company or by sending a registered letter with return receipt addressed to XXX company Ltd.